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SUSSEX COUNTY--A Sussex County-based fence company's owner was frustrated with the process of mixing cement for projects. “There just had to be a better way,” Troy Yanoss said. Now, after a lot of trial and error to perfect a super fast, super easy-to-use tool, Yanoss is selling his pa
Michael Abens, owner and CEO of Urable
Michael Abens is the owner and CEO of Urable, which is an application designed for automotive businesses that specialize in detailing, paint protection film, vinyl wrapping, tinting and ceramic coating. In his more than 30 years of experience in bus
In this clean energy tradeshow, the company will focus on advanced energy solutions including the LIQAL LNG dispenser, the brand-new Wayne Helix™ 6000 II CNG fuel dispenser and the DFS Hydrogen dispenser – all of which are part of DFS’ turn-key solutions offering.
Dover Fueling
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Slate from filming a scene in a movie, show, or commercial. (Martin Lopez / Pexels)
Slate from filming a scene in a movie, show, or commercial. (Martin Lopez / Pexels)
TROY, N.Y. (NEWS10) — The TV pilot for
Now you can actually paint your D&D or Warhammer minis, and we give you a few tips for making the colors look even and appealing.
In part one of our Painting Essentials guide, we took a look at the must-have equipment and steps we should take before putting brush to plastic.
If you
MEDAN, Indonesia — At the corner of Sei Batanghari Road in Medan, the capital of Indonesia’s North Sumatra province, kindergarten students run around a building in their school uniforms. The bell to call them back to class hasn’t rung yet. Most of the kids are enjoying the playground
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An all-in-one paint pen that closely matches factory paint color.
An af
One of the biggest cheat codes in life is having multiple streams of income. Rappers know that for a fact, and throughout the course of their careers, have found innovative ways to beef up their bank accounts outside of making music.
Now that cannabis is mostly being decriminalized in th
(ANSA) - ROME, AUG 30 - Some 21 members of two alleged feuding teen gangs were cited in Modena for violence and affray on Tuesday. One of he gangs is called 'Daisan 216', and the other 'Sooz'. Members are aged 14 to 17 i