Generally speaking, a pressure vessel is an enclosed container or storage tank that holds liquids, vapours, and gases at pressures higher or lower than ambient pressure. These components are used in a variety of industries including the energy and food processing sectors.
Some examples o
The driver on a bender. The distracted accidental tourist. The speed demon who can't stop in time. No wonder auto body shops do such brisk business: The hits keep on coming.
While even the best body shops can't undo the accident, Twin Cities Consumers' Checkbook's ratings reveal they can
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The winner will be randomly selected from correct entries and awarded $50. Entries must be received by the end of the month. Only one winner will be selected. Chances of winning are dependent upon the number of correct entries received. Employees of Babcox Media, industry manufacturers and Bod
FANUC America, a leading supplier of CNCs, robotics and ROBOMACHINEs, announces a West Campus expansion that will push its operational space in Oakland County, Michigan to nearly two million square feet. The construction will include a 655,000 square foot state-of-the-art facility to ho
Diego “Robot” Martinez has found freedom by painting through adversity.
Where some might find defeat in the closing of the art gallery he helped build and shepherd through the pandemic, Martinez found a burst of creativity.
Painting the Social Ice food truck at Benny’s Bee
The winner will be randomly selected from correct entries and awarded $50. Entries must be received by the end of the month. Only one winner will be selected. Chances of winning are dependent upon the number of correct entries received. Employees of Babcox Media, industry manufacturers and Bod
PPG has introduced advanced 3-D visualization software and a digital color camera for faster color matching in body shops.
From BodyShop BusinessAdvertisementPPG has announced the introduction of PPG VisualizID advanced 3-D visualization software and the PPG DigiMatch digital color
It’s a well-known fact. Boise has changed pretty drastically over the past decade. Many of us miss “the good old days” so traveling back in time to see what some of the fast food restaurants we have fond memories of used to look like is so much fun!
If you we