Walkthrough for Sam & Max Beyond Time And Space: Season Two | Adventure Gamers

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You, Sam, are shocked to discover that your goldfish, Vice President Mr Spatula, has turned evil.  Then things get a little strange when your old pal, Flint Paper, shoots a hole in your wall.  And to make matters worse, a giant robot is terrorising the neighbourhood.  What is the world coming to? 

Click on the hole in the wall a few times, to talk to Flint Paper.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Explore the office.  Look out the window to see the giant robot slowly destroying your building.  Play Whack Da Ratz arcade game if you like - the aim is to shoot the orange rats and ignore the yellow rats.  Open cupboard on the right to see mementos of previous cases.  When you’re ready, leave the office. 

The Maimtron 9000 seems obsessed with destroying your building.  You need to put a stop to him!  Notice that he has a wind-up key in his back.  Talk to Maimtron 9000 and work through all the dialogue.  When you get to ‘I Have A Question’ , notice how the robot ponders over the answer.  As he is pondering, go back to your office. 

The giant robot should have his back to the window, as he ponders over the question you asked him.  Simply take the wind-up key from his back.  The robot stops working, and collapses to the ground.  Leave your office. 

Back on the street, you notice a label on the robot’s foot, stating that it’s from Santa’s Workshop.  This calls for some more investigation.  Watch the credits roll. 

When you arrive at the North Pole, you see the Soda Popper kids.  Talk to the Soda Poppers and work through all the dialogue.  When conversation is over, explore the area.  Look at Santa’s Sleigh on the left, and look at the boiler in the sleigh to realise that it needs more coal.  When you’re ready, enter Santa’s Workshop. 


Inside the Workshop, Santa’s elves are terrified of Santa, and beg for your help.  Then you’re greeted by a crazy, gun-toting Santa!  Oh dear!  Explore the Workshop.  Take the BOXING BETTY  doll from beneath the Christmas tree.  Take the WORLD’S SIMPLIST MAZE  from beneath the Christmas tree.  Look at the red computer on the bench, next to the green bug gift dispenser.  Look at the green bug gift dispenser, and take GIFT TAGS  from the table below the gift dispenser.  Look at the green computer next to the green bug gift dispenser.  Unfortunately, you don’t know what to send to who, yet.  

Look at the door to Santa’s Room on the left… Santa pulls a gun on you.  Looks like you’ll have to find another way into Santa’s Room.  Look at the North Pole… pole, next to Santa’s door, and note how you and Max’s guns are attracted to it.  Talk to Red Elf and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Green Elf and work through all the dialogue.  Green Elf is trying to make the Christmas tree grow by watering it with elf tears.  The problem is, he’s too happy to cry.  Looks like you and Max will have to make him cry!  Use all the dialogue with Max and yourself.  When you tell him that ‘Santa Isn‘t Real ‘, he starts crying.  He uses his tears to water the Christmas tree… and it grows huge!  Take the WATERING CAN  from next to Green Elf.  Leave the Workshop for now. 

Walk left a few steps, and look at the Tiny Topiary.  Use WATERING CAN  on the Tiny Topiary to water it, and watch the tiny plant grow huge.  Climb up the Giant Topiary, into Santa’s Room. 


Inside Santa’s Room, Santa’s guarding the door, so he doesn’t realise you’re there.  Explore the room.  Read the PARCHMENT  on the podium.  The PARCHMENT  is really EXORCISM INSTRUCTIONS .  But you don’t know anyone that’s possessed… do you?  On the other hand… could Santa be possessed?  That would explain his odd behaviour.  You’ll need to perform an exorcism, in order to save him.  The EXORCISM INSTRUCTIONS  tell you that you need 4 HORSEMAN OF APOCALYPSE  action figures in order to perform an exorcism.  Take CHRISTMAS SATANIC RECORD  from the bookcase on the left.  When you’re ready, leave Santa’s Room via the chimney. 

Back outside, walk right to your Desoto car.  Use your car to return to your office. 

Thanks to the Maimtron 9000, your neighbourhood has been somewhat re-arranged.  Look at Sybil’s Shop to realise that it’s closed.  Enter Stinky’s Diner on the right. 

Stinky greets you warmly, then immediately begins a trivia quiz.  Sybil, The Bug, and Lincoln are also playing the trivia quiz.  However, this is a trivia quiz with a difference.  Stinky doesn’t play fair - she declares the ‘correct’ answer to be the one that nobody has chosen.  So you have to trick her into accepting your answer as the correct one. 

But how can you trick Stinky into accepting your answer?  Well, Sybil will always choose the correct answer (although Stinky will insist she‘s wrong).  The Bug will always answer ‘D’.  That leaves 2 possible options.  Lincoln will ask you what the answer is, so tell him one of the 2 remaining options.  Use the remaining answer for yourself.  It will make more sense once you start playing. 

But before you start playing, let’s look around Stinky’s Diner.  Look at the Toy Horseman action figure on the counter behind Stinky.  This is the prize for the trivia quiz.  Since you’re looking for the 4 Horsemen, you have to with the quiz.  Look at everything else in the diner.  When you’re ready, click on the trivia pad in the empty booth near the door to sit down.  You see the current question, along with the 4 possible answer.  But don’t answer yet!  Select ‘Never mind’  to stand up again. 

I’ll run through 3 questions, so you can get the hang of it.  But after you get one answer correct, you’ll be declared the winner, and the contest will end. 

        Q1.  When did the war of 1812 begin? 

The correct answer is obviously 1812, but don’t answer just yet.  Select ‘Never mind’  to stand up. 

Talk to Sybil, and work through all the dialogue.  When you get to the ‘Let‘s Talk Trivia ‘ option, tell her the following. 

        -       Let’s talk trivia. 

        -       We think it’s A.

Talk to Lincoln and work through all the dialogue.  When you get to the ‘Let‘s Talk Trivia ‘ option, tell him the following. 

        -       Let’s talk trivia. 

        -       We think it’s B.

Talk to Bug and work through all the dialogue.  When you get to the ‘Let‘s Talk Trivia ‘ option, tell him the following. 

        -       Let’s talk trivia. 

        -       We think it’s D.

Now return to the empty booth next to the door, and click on the trivia pad to sit down.  Select the following answer.

Stinky will review everyone’s answers.  If you mess up, and don’t win, don’t worry, just go on to Question 2.

        Q2.  What day of the week comes between Tuesday and Thursday?

The correct answer is obviously Wednesday, but don’t answer just yet.  Select ‘Never mind’  to stand up. 

Talk to Sybil, using the following dialogue options. 

        -       Let’s talk trivia. 

        -       We think it’s B.

Talk to Lincoln and work through all the dialogue.  When prompted, tell him the following. 

        -       Let’s talk trivia. 

        -       We think it’s A. 

Talk to Bug, and choose the following dialogue options.  

        -       Let’s talk trivia.

        -       We think it’s D.

Now return to the empty booth next to the door, and click on the trivia pad to sit down.  Select the following answer.

I’ll do one more question, for good luck. 

        Q3.  Which of these women’s names is also the name of an herb? 

The correct answer is Rosemary, but don’t answer that yet.  Select ‘Never mind’  to stand up. 

Talk to Sybil, using the following dialogue options. 

        -       Let’s talk trivia. 

        -       We think it’s C.

Talk to Lincoln and work through all the dialogue.  When prompted, tell him the following. 

        -       Let’s talk trivia. 

        -       We think it’s B. 

Talk to Bug, and choose the following dialogue options.  

        -       Let’s talk trivia.

        -       We think it’s D.

Now return to the empty booth next to the door, and click on the trivia pad to sit down.  Select the following answer.

From these 3 questions, Stinky should declare you the winner, and give you the grand prize - HORSEMAN OF PESTILENCE .  You automatically leave the diner. 

Walk right a few steps, and enter the garage. 

The C.O.P.S. computers are here.  Notice the HORSEMAN OF DEATH  on the bench on the right.  Work through all the dialogue with C.O.P.S. computers.  Make sure you tell them:

        -       Can we pimp our car?

        -       We want that Horseman. 

This takes you to a driving mini-game.  The aim is to drive over 30 blue Torture Me Elmers in 60 seconds.  Use the Left & Right arrow keys to move your car.  You can play this driving game as many times as you like.  After you win, the HORSEMAN OF DEATH  is attached to your Desoto car. 

Walk left to your Desoto car.  Take the HORSEMAN OF DEATH  from the car.  Walk left again, and enter Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop. 

Work through all the dialogue with Bosco.  He insists that his shop isn’t a shop anymore.  Well, it certainly has changed since the last time you visited!  When you ask him about his package, he tells you that the package is ticking, and he doesn’t know if it’s a bomb, or the super plunger he recently ordered.  Should he open the package, or get rid of it? 

When conversation is over, explore the shop.  Look at photos on the wall next to the door.  Look at the X-Ray viewer above Bosco, and you see that package actually contains one of the Horsemen action figures.  You can’t do anything about the package yet, but keep it in mind for later.  Look at the Bomb-B-Gone device, and look at the periscope.  Look at the X-Ray machine.  Look at the laser security gate protecting the bathroom.  When you’re ready, leave Bosco’s shop. 

Head left to the Maimtron 9000 destroyed robot.  Jimmy Two-Teeth is here, along with the HORSEMAN OF WAR  action figure, which he is using as a trophy for his boxing contest.  Talk to Jimmy and work through the dialogue.  Jimmy retreats inside the robot, take the HORSEMAN  action figure with him.  Look at the robot innards, and Jimmy will tell you that you’ll have to compete in his boxing match if you want to win the trophy.  You need that action figure, but you’re too big to get inside the robot innards.  No worries, just using the BOXING BETTY  doll on the robot innards. 

This leads to a boxing mini-game.  The aim is to win 3 boxing matches, with Jimmy being your last match.  Wait until your opponent has his hand raised up before you punch.  You can play as many times as necessary.  It’s tricky, but you’ll get there in the end.  After you win all 3 matches, you’re given the HORSEMAN OF WAR  action figure.   

Jimmy is depressed after losing the boxing match, and threatens to jump to his death.  Work through all the dialogue with him, using  both yourself and Max’s dialogue options.  You find out that Mary, his wife, has left him.  Nothing you can say will change Jimmy’s mind.  Leave Jimmy for now.  Head right to Stinky’s Diner, and enter the Diner again. 

Talk to Stinky and work through all the dialogue.  She tells you about her sore feet.  Remember this for later.  Now leave the Diner. 

Walk left a few steps to your Desoto car.  Use the car to travel to the North Pole. 


Walk left to the green bug gift dispenser.  Use the green computer next to the green bug gift dispenser (you‘ll have to do this for each present you send).  You have a better idea of what gifts to send to what people now, so choose the following options. 

        -       Select Footbath And Piranha Aquarium. 

        -       Attach a GIFT TAG  from your Inventory, and send it to Stinky.

        -       Select My First Moai Head.

        -       Attach a GIFT TAG  from your Inventory, and send it to Lincoln.

        -       Attach a GIFT TAG  from your Inventory, and send it to Bosco.

        -       Select Cougar In A Box. 

        -       Attach a GIFT TAG  from your Inventory, and send it to Sybil.

Walk right a few steps.  Use your Desoto car to return to your office.  

Walk left a few steps, and enter Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop. 

Bosco is freaking out over a package he just received (the one you sent from Santa’s Workshop).  It’s ticking loudly, and he’s terrified it’s a bomb.  While he is busy dealing with the ticking package, you and Max automatically take the HORSEMAN OF FAMINE  package from his counter.  Then you automatically leave the shop. 

You now have all 4 HORSEMEN  action figures.  Enter Stinky’s Diner on the right. 

Stinky is delighted with her foot bath.  Take STINKY’S SOCK  from the counter, then leave the Diner. 

Walk left to your Desoto car, and use the car to travel to the North Pole. 


You have the 4 Horsemen action figures needed to perform the exorcism to save Santa.  You just need some information, before you can proceed.  Look at the slimy crate on the right to find out where it‘s from.  Look at the red computer on the bench to see the High Score table for Mimesweeper.  Now place all 4 HORSEMEN  action figures around the North Pole… pole.  Now use CHRISTMAS SATANIC RECORD  on the record player on the left, and when prompted, choose the following dialogue options. 

        -       Hey, Shambling Corporate Presence! 

Hmmm, the exorcism didn’t exactly go as planned.  Santa is saved, yes, but a gelatinous goo demon appears!  Santa tries to save you, but the demon chases him out of the Workshop.  Walk left, and enter Santa’s Room. 

In Santa’s Room, look at Santa’s Safe (the box he was standing on, which is next to the door).  Watch the cut scene with the 3 Sprits Of Christmas.  The Spirits will help you defeat the demon… but only if you put right 3 Christmases that you ruined.  Look at the printout, in the Stocking Stuffer machine on the right.  Now use STINKY’S SOCK  with Stocking Stuffer machine to get SOCK FULL OF COAL .  Now leave the room via the chimney on the left. 

Walk left towards Portal To Future.  Look at Spirit Of Christmas Future, then jump through the portal. 


Watch the cut scene.  Future You and Future Max are trapped on an outcropping, surrounded by lava.  You’re doomed to die on this outcropping!  You can’t do anything here yet, so jump back through the portal. 

Santa’s Sleigh is next to the portal.  If you haven’t done so already, look at the boiler on the sleigh to learn that it needs more coal.  Use SOCK FULL OF COAL  with the sleigh boiler to refuel the boiler.  You automatically climb aboard the sleigh, and enter through the portal again. 


Watch the cut scene as your future-selves use Santa’s Sleigh to escape the outcropping.  You automatically return through the portal, to the North Pole.  Congratulations on saving yourselves from the future.  You receive a SPIRIT BOTTLE , containing the Spirit Of Christmas Future. 

Walk right, towards the Portal To Present, but don’t enter it yet.  Talk to Spirit Of Christmas Present, then enter through the portal. 


Watch the  cut scene, as you see yourselves in Stinky’s Diner.  The Bug’s family come to visit him, so the Diner is now overrun with bugs.  You have to get rid of them… non-violently.  Jump through the portal, back to the North Pole. 

Walk right to the Yellow Snow Reclamation stand, and take a RECLAIMED SNOWBALL .  Walk left a few steps, and enter through the Spirit Of Christmas Present Portal again. 


Use RECLAIMED SNOWBALL  with the Bug on the table.  The Bug will have a flashback, and his family will retreat.  Success!  You automatically jump back through the portal, back to the North Pole.  Spirit Of Christmas Present joins his pal in the SPIRIT BOTTLE , ready to help you when you’ve completed all 3 tasks. 

Talk to Spirit Of Christmas Past, then jump through Portal To Past. 


Watch the cut scene with Jimmy Two-Teeth and his family.  Jimmy wanted to become a professional boxer, so that he could win enough money for his son’s life-saving operation… but you, Sam, took away his boxing glove.  This, in turn, causes Mary to leave Jimmy.  Use WORLD’S SIMPLEST MAZE  with the rat hole, then turn on the TV to lure Mary out.  Mary becomes trapped in the maze, and you automatically take MARY TWO-TEETH .  Jump through the portal, back to the North Pole. 

Walk right a few steps, and use your Desoto car to return to your office. 

Walk left a few steps.  Jimmy is still on the window sill outside your office.  Give MARY TWO-TEETH  to Jimmy, and watch the emotional cut scene as Jimmy and Mary are re-united.  You get Jimmy’s BOXING GLOVE .  Now walk right to your Desoto car, and use the car to travel to the North Pole. 

Enter through the Spirit Of Christmas Past portal. 


Give BOXING GLOVE  to Jimmy Two-Teeth.  Now he has a chance to become a boxing champion, so he can afford the life-saving operation for his son.  You automatically return to the North Pole. 

The Spirit Of Christmas Past joins his pals in the SPIRIT BOTTLE .  Walk right to the Shambling Corporate Presence demon.  Use SPIRIT BOTTLE  with the demon, and the three 3 Spirits Of Christmas will defeat the demon.  Watch the cut scene as Santa climbs down from his hiding place on the roof, and becomes possessed by the demon… again!  He chases you into the Workshop. 


You have to get rid of the possessed Santa.  Use the green computer next to the gift dispenser, and a random gift will drop out onto the table.  Look at the toy bomber plane, rotating from the ceiling.  This is controlled by the switch next to the door.  However, you can’t get to the switch, since Santa keeps shooting at you.  Wait for the toy bomber plane to fly over the trampoline, then use your BIG GUN  to shoot the switch next to the door to make the plane stop flying.  Now use your BIG GUN  to shoot the cannon, which is on the floor near the door.  This causes the cannon to fire.  The cannon ball hits the gift, bounces onto the trampoline, and lands in the toy bomber plane above.  Use your BIG GUN  to shoot the switch next to the door again, so the toy bomber plane starts flying again.  Wait until the plane is above the Flounder Pounder (behind Santa), then use your BIG GUN  to shoot the switch next to the door.  The toy bomber plane will stop flying, the cannon ball will drop down into the Flounder Pounder, knocking Santa into the nearby crate. 

Now sit back and enjoy the final cut scene.  You, Max, the Soda Poppers, and the elves band together to save Christmas and get all the presents delivered on time. 

After arriving home from the North Pole, you and Max are surprised to see your friend Sybil being chased through the street by an inter-dimensional portal.  Maybe you should help her?  In order to do that, you need to find out exactly what you’re dealing with.  Enter Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop. 

Talk to Bosco and work through all the dialogue.  You find out that it’s a Bermuda Triangle that’s chasing poor Sybil.  Apparently, you can communicate with the Bermuda Triangle by feeding it coloured shapes.  Specifically, a red octagon will make it stop whatever it’s doing.  Now you just have to find a red octagon from somewhere.  Explore the shop, and when you’re ready, leave the shop. 

Walk right a few steps, and enter Stinky’s Diner. 

Stinky is busy trying to clean a very suspicious blood stain on her counter.  Talk to her and work through all the dialogue.  Make sure you tell her the following. 

        -       What‘s the Special today? 

        -       We’re ready to order.

        -       Give us the Special. 

She gives you a large GRANITE SANDWICH.  When conversation is over, talk to Flint Paper to learn that he’s spying on Bosco.  Flint is over by the window.  Take the red STOP SIGN from the wall next to Flint.  There’s nothing else you can do here, so leave the Diner. 

Walk left a few steps, and wait for Sybil and the Bermuda Triangle to pass again.  Give the red STOP SIGN to the Bermuda Triangle.  Abe Lincoln appears, wanting to know what all the noise is about, and immediately gets sucked into the Bermuda Triangle.  Sybil jumps in after him, to rescue him.  You and Max follow Abe & Sybil, in case they need any help.  Now watch the credits roll. 


On the other side of the Bermuda Triangle portal, you’re surprised to see Abe & Sybil enjoying a picnic on a beautiful sunny island. 

Some Moai Heads are nearby, and they warn you about an ancient prophecy which will bring about the end of the world.  Talk to the middle Moai Head, and work through all the dialogue.  You learn that a volcano is due to erupt on the island, which would mean the end of civilisation.  There is a hidden cave, where the ancient Volcano God can be appeased, and it’s up to you and Max to find out how.  Unfortunately, the Moai Heads don’t know where the entrance to the cave is.  Talk to Moai Head on the left.  Notice that when he’s angry, a storm cloud appears above his head.  Talk to Moai Head on the right and work through all the dialogue.  Notice that there are several gongs in this area.

For a bit of fun, search the Lost & Found box a few times.  Now walk right, and click on the Fountain Of Youth - unfortunately, there‘s piranhas in the Fountain.  Walk left a few steps, and look at Noah’s Ark in the foreground. 

Walk all the way left, talk to Sybil, and work through all the dialogue.  Lincoln seems rather taken by the female Moai Head, and doesn’t want to leave this spot. 

Try to enter the Ancient Cave behind Sybil & Lincoln… but a baby who calls himself Jimmy Hoffa walks out from the cave, and starts threatening you with his gun.  Work through all the dialogue with him.  Jimmy is a tough Mafia leader, but he looks like a baby because he’s been drinking from the Fountain Of Youth.  When conversation is over, walk left to the Tiny Tiki area. 


This area has a Tiki stall, with 3 babies on drums in front of it, and a Wipeout surfboard on the right.  Talk to the 3 babies and work through all the dialogue.  Look at the Wipeout surfboard next to the 3 babies.  This leads to a surfing mini game.  The aim is to stay balanced on the surf board while dodging the flying bottles.  If you do well enough, you’ll impress the babies. 

Take TIKI GLASS from the left edge of the stall.  Look at the Water Dispenser, Paci-Fire Dispenser, and Nappy Rash Dispenser on the left edge of the stall.  Take MALLET from the ground in front of the stall.  Look at the steelpan, skull, and bongo on the left.  Talk to baby Glen Miller and work through all the dialogue.  Glen wants to write another hit song before he goes back home, but he’s having trouble finding the right melody and the right train sound.  You can help him with that.  Look at the items hanging over the fire next to Glen Miller.  Use TIKI GLASS with the Water Dispenser on the left of the stall to get GLASS OF WATER, then use GLASS OF WATER with the kettle hanging over the fire.  Use TIKI GLASS with the Paci-Fire Dispenser to get GLASS OF PACI-FIRE, then use GLASS OF PACI-FIRE with the fire underneath the kettle.  That’s the perfect train-sound Glen Miller was looking for.  Now for the song itself.  Use TIKI GLASS with the Nappy-Rash Dispenser to get a GLASS OF NAPPY RASH.  Walk right to the Moai Heads area. 


Baby Jimmy Hoffa is still guarding the entrance to the ancient cave.  Give him the GLASS OF NAPPY RASH.  He refuses the drink, because you’re not in the Waitress Union.  But he knows how you can join the Waitress Union.  He gives you a WAITRESS TRAY, and challenges you to prove you can serve drinks without spilling them, by completing the Wipeout Surfboard challenge.  Walk left to the Tiny Tiki area. 


Look at the Wipeout surfboard next to the 3 babies.  Use the WAITRESS TRAY with the Wipeout surfboard.  You have to dodge bottles being thrown at you, while balancing the WAITRESS TRAY on your head.  You have to keep the bottle in the middle of the WAITRESS TRAY, and not let the bottle fall.  You can repeat this as many times as necessary, until you are successful.  Afterwards, walk right to the Moai Heads area. 


Talk to Baby Jimmy Hoffa, using the following dialogue option. 

        -       We beat the bucking surfboard!

He now accepts you into the Waitress Union, and demands you get him a drink.  Give him GLASS OF NAPPY RASH.  There’s nothing else you can do on this island at the moment, so walk right to the giant Portal Triangle.  Jump through the Portal Triangle, back to the Street. 

Head right to the C.O.P.S. Garage.  Enter the garage.


Talk to the C.O.P.S. computers and work through all the dialogue.  They challenge you to their latest augmented reality game - a music-based driving game.  Ask to play their game. 

In the driving game, you have to run over as many bagpipes as possible.  When you win, you get a brand new DESOTO HORN. 

You automatically take the DESOTO HORN from your car.  Let’s return to Easter Island.  Walk left to the giant Portal Triangle, and jump through the Portal Triangle. 


Head left, and continue left, to the Tiny Tiki area. 


Walk left to Baby Glen Miller.  Give DESOTO HORN to Baby Glen Miller.  Glen Miller is thrilled with the sound the horn makes, and soon completes his latest hit song on it.  He gives you a CONCH SHELL, which contains a demo for his new song.  Walk right, back to the Moai Heads area. 


Walk all the way right, to the Fountain Of Youth.  It’s time to get rid of those pesky piranhas, so that the Fountain can be accessed again.  This is how you do it. 

Note all the gongs in this area.  Look at gong to the right of the Fountain Of Youth, and hit it with the MALLET.  A big yellow Portal Triangle appears above this gong.  Walk left a few steps to the Moai Head on the left (the half-buried head).  Hit the gong to the left of this Moai Head with the MALLET, to activate a blue Portal Triangle.  Show the CONCH SHELL to the middle Moai Head - she likes the song that’s stored on the CONCH SHELL, and begins whistling.  While the middle Moai Head is still whistling, talk to Moai Head on the left.  He’s still in a bad mood, and a storm cloud appears above him.  The storm cloud floats through the Triangle Portal through the left, and teleports through to the Triangle Portal on the right, above the Fountain Of Youth. 

A bolt of lightning shoots out from the storm cloud, killing all the piranha in the Fountain Of Youth below.  Now walk right to the Fountain Of Youth. 

Use TIKI GLASS with the Fountain Of Youth to get FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH WATER.  Now walk left a few steps to where Baby Jimmy Hoffa guards the Ancient Cave. 

Give FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH WATER to Baby Jimmy Hoffa, who quickly gulps it down.  Jimmy Hoffa becomes even younger, to a point before he was even born, and disappears, leaving the Ancient Cave unguarded.  Enter into the Ancient Cave. 


Watch the cut scene with the seahorse monkeys.  It seems they’ve decided that you and Max must be executed!  Work through all the dialogue with them.  They will spare you if you can fulfil 3 ancient prophecies to prove that Max is the Chosen One.  When conversation is over, explore the area.  Walk right a few steps, look at the red snail trail, and pick up the RED-OOZING SNAIL. 

Head left, and continue left, until you see the plane wreck.  Pick up TRAVEL GUIDE next to the plane wreck, and note what it says about basalt affecting the Moai Heads.  Use the radio inside the plane wreck, and change the radio frequency to 7175 kHz.  You should hear Bosco calling out the following. 

        -       I Know You’re Out There.

Use the speaker to reply to Bosco, using the following dialogue option. 

        -       We are observing your Earth. 

When you’ve finished scaring poor Bosco, turn the radio off.  Now walk right a few steps, and head through giant conch shell to leave the cave. 


Watch the cut scene with Lincoln and Sybil.  Poor Sybil ends up running off, because she is upset with the way Lincoln is behaving.  Walk right a few steps to the giant black Portal Triangle.  Jump through the Portal Triangle, back to the Street. 

Enter Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop. 

Bosco is nowhere in sight!  He’s gone into hiding, after you scared him by talking to him through the radio from the plane in the cave.  Explore the shop, and take a can of BANANG from the pile behind Bomb-B-Gone.  When you’re ready, leave the shop. 

Walk right a few steps, and enter Stinky’s Diner. 

Look at the gong above the juke box.  Throw RED-OOZING SNAIL at the gong to hit it.  Now shoot the gong with your BIG GUN to summon the Bermuda Triangle Portal.  Jump through the Triangle Portal to return to Easter Island. 


Use your TIKI GLASS with the Fountain Of Youth on the right to get FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH WATER.  Use FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH WATER on yourself - you and Max both become younger.  Now quickly jump through the huge Portal Triangle, so you‘re back in Stinky‘s Diner. 

While you are still young, talk to Stinky, and use the following dialogue option. 

        -       We’d like the special. 

She gives you a BASALT SANDWICH.  Quickly jump back through the Bermuda Triangle Portal. 


Wait a few moments, until you become adult again (you may have to run left to the Tiny Tiki area, then return, in order to trigger it).  Use your MALLET to hit the gong next to the middle Moai Head, so that a Portal Triangle will appear here, above the gong.  Give BASALT SANDWICH to the Moai Head on the right, then work through all the dialogue with him.  The Moai Head’s mood instantly changes.  When the Moai Head laughs, it knocks a rock loose in the cave below.  Let’s go and get it.  Quickly walk left to the Ancient Cave, and enter the Ancient Cave. 


Look at the feet dangling from the roof.  On the ground, below feet on the right, is a STALACTITE.  Pick up the STALACTITE.  Walk left a few steps, until you see the Maxish Clam.  Use STALACTITE with the Maxish Clam, to make it seem like the Maxish Clam has 2 ears.  Talk to the Seahorse Chimps and work through all the dialogue.  Make sure you tell them the following dialogue. 

        -       The feet shall now anoint Max!

Walk right a few steps, back to the dangling feet on the right.  Now look at the gong below dangling feet on the right, and hit the gong with your MALLET.  Use CONCH SHELL with the Portal Triangle (not the gong) below the dangling feet.  The feet will start swinging in time to the music in the CONCH SHELL.  If necessary, use CONCH SHELL with the Portal Triangle below the feet again.  The Seahorse Chimps will anoint Max. 

Now look at the Ceremonial Urn, which is on the bench near the Sea Monkeys.  Use BANANG with the Ceremonial Urn to create a banana-flavoured drink.  All 3 prophecies should now be fulfilled, and Max should be declared the true High Priest.  Watch the cut scene with the Seahorse chimps. 

All that’s left to do now, is to stop the Volcano God.  When you and Max reach the top of the pod, look at pressure gauge on the left.  Push the red Emergency Button on the floor, in middle of the room (you may have to move out of the way, before you can see the button).  Enter into the Machine Pod on the right, to travel back down to the Seahorse Chimps. 

Walk right a few steps, and pick up HIGH PRIEST MEDALLION from the ground - the one that Mr Spatula dropped.  Use HIGH PRIEST MEDALLION in the red Snail Trail, so the medallion is now red.  Walk left a few steps, and head through the giant conch shell to leave the cave. 


The volcano is about to erupt - you don’t have much time to stop it.  Look at the gong next to Moai Head on the right, and hit this gong with your MALLET.  A Triangle Portal will appear above this gong.  Walk left a few steps, and look at the erupting volcano in the distance.  Look at the tiny yellow gong on the island in the distance.  Now use your BIG GUN to shoot the yellow gong - a yellow Triangle Portal will appear above the gong in the distance.  Finally, walk right a few steps, so you see the blue Triangle Portal next to Moai Head on the right.  Use the red HIGH-PRIEST MEDALLION with the blue triangle above the gong.  This allows you to teleport the HIGH-PRIEST MEDALLION over to the island in the distance, and stop the Triangle Portal from spinning around. 

Now sit back and enjoy the final cut scene. 

After the intro & credits, watch the cut scene, as the Commissioner asks you to investigate some zombie attacks.  Apparently, the zombies are being made in a Zombie Factory.  As you are talking to the Commissioner on the phone, a zombie breaks into your office and steals Jesse James mounted hand! 

Explore the office.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Open cupboard on the right to see mementos of your previous cases.  When you’re ready, leave the office. 

The street is over-run with zombies.  Look at beer stein on the pavement to realise that zombies drink beer.  Walk right a few steps, and look at Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop to realise that it‘s closed.  Poor Bosco has gone into hiding, since you convinced him that T.H.E.M were coming.  Walk right a few steps, and enter Sybil‘s Shop. 

Watch the cut scene with Sybil.  It seems she is taking applications for her new boyfriend, since she broke up with Abe Lincoln.  Talk to her and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Harry Moleman and work through all the dialogue.  Explore the shop.  Look at the Soul Mater on Sybil’s desk.  Look at the chocolate heart on the table next to Harry.  Sadly, he won’t let you take it.  When you’re ready, leave Sybil’s shop. 

Walk right a few steps and enter Stinky’s Diner. 

Abe Lincoln is here, moping about his break-up with Sybil.  Talk to Lincoln and work through all the dialogue.  Look at the sunlamp next to the jukebox - what an odd thing to have in a Diner.  Talk to Stinky and work through all the dialogue.  When conversation is over, look at the sunlamp again.  You take the SUNLAMP BULB, but leave the sunlamp itself.  When you’re ready, leave the Diner. 

Walk right a few steps to the C.O.P.S garage.  Enter the garage. 


Talk to the C.O.P.S computers and work through all the dialogue.  They tell you about their new internet service - aimed to be very zombie-friendly.  They also tell you about a new ANTENNA they’re developing, but they’ll only give it to you if you help them market their internet service.  This leads to… you guessed it… a driving game.  Agree to play the driving game.  The aim of the game is to deliver 10 internet discs to 10 zombies in the allotted time.  You can do this by throwing the discs at the zombie to hit the zombies.  Think of Paperboy!  When you win, you earn the fantastic SUPER ANTENNA.  You automatically leave the garage and return to your car. 

Try to take the SUPER ANTENNA from your Desoto car, but it‘s installed too well, and you can‘t pull it off.  Climb into your Desoto car, and use the following dialogue option. 

        -       Let’s go to Stuttgart. 

Impressive castle!  When you arrive at Stuttgart Castle, you see a line of zombies queued up outside, waiting to get into the castle.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Walk right a few steps, and explore the graveyard.  Search the open grave to find a BRAIN.  Look at the opened coffin in front of the graveyard. 

When you’re ready, knock on the entrance door, and be greeted by… Agent Superball!  It’s good to see him again.  Work through all the dialogue.  Unfortunately, he refuses to let you in to the castle. 

Look at the gargoyle high up on the wall, near your car, and to the left of the zombies.  Throw the BRAIN at the gargoyle, and it lands in the dish the gargoyle is holding, luring the zombies away from the entrance.  Talk to Agent Superball again, and use the following dialogue option. 

Since there are no longer any zombies in line, Agent Superball lets you in.  


Watch the cut scene with Jurgen, the vampire prince.  Talk to Jurgen and work through all the dialogue.  Accept the song challenge if you like - just pick any dialogue that takes your fancy.  However, you won’t win yet. 

When conversation is over, look at the bookcase on the left.  There’s an inscription on the bookcase, but it’s too worn down to read.  Look at coffin on the left to read the poem.  Look at speaker next to the coffin.  Look at the DJ Booth below the flashing sign.  Ignore the DJ Booth for now.  Walk left a few more steps, and look at the drinks counter above the aquarium.  Take BOTTLE OF WATER from the drinks counter.  Also, look at the aquarium to see the undead fish. 

Walk right, to the other end of the room.  Look at the bookcase on the right to see the fake books.  Look at the giant fireplace.  Look at the ‘Watchful Jurgen’ portrait above the fireplace.  Take TYPEWRITER RIBBEN from the bench next to the fireplace. 

Walk left, back to the DJ Booth.  Press all the buttons between the 2 turntables to learn which word each button represents.  The words change place for every play through.  Now press the following buttons. 

The coffin near the bookcase opens.  Head up, into the coffin.  You end up on a balcony overlooking the disco dance floor below.  Look at the spotlight illuminating the disco dance floor.  Use your SUNLAMP BULB with the spotlight.  That’s all you can do here for now.  Head back through the coffin, so you’re back at the dance floor.  Leave the castle, so you’re back outside. 

Search the garbage container next to the Entrance to find some GARLIC CLOVE CIGARETTES.  Walk left to your Desoto car.  Use the car to drive to the TV Studio. 

As soon as you arrive as the studio, you’re expected to take part in another Midtown Cowboys scene.  When the Director realises you’re not prepared, so asks you to come and see her when you’re ready. 

Explore the studio.  Talk to Mr Featherly the chicken, and work through all the dialogue.  Look at Bessie the cow.  Look at Mr Featherly’s bag on the floor, and hide your GARLIC CLOVE CIGARETTES in the bag.  Now talk to the Director and work through all the dialogue.  Make sure you ask her the following. 

        -       Can we film now?

Watch the cut scene as you begin filming.  The episode makes the headlines, because of the garlic cigarettes.  When you’re ready, leave the studio through door on the left, and return to your office. 

Walk left a few steps and enter your office. 

Look at the ceremonial urn next to the window, and use your BOTTLE OF WATER with the urn to get some HOLY WATER.  When you’re ready, leave the office. 

Walk right a few steps, and use your Desoto car to drive to Stuttgart Castle. 

When you arrive at the castle, give some HOLY WATER to Max.  He drinks it, and a halo appears above his head.  Hide the rest of your HOLY WATER in the garbage container next to the entrance.  Now enter the castle. 


Watch the cut scene with Jurgen.  He thinks it’s ‘cool’ to be smoking cigarettes, after watching your latest episode of Midtown Cowboys.  Little does he know that it’s garlic cigarettes he’s smoking! 

Walk left to the DJ Booth, and use the DJ Booth.  Look at the row of buttons along the bottom - they control where the spotlight shines.  Press the 4th button in the row.  The spotlight, complete with your special sunlamp bulb, shines on Jurgen, burning him.  But he jumps out of the way, before he is completely burned.  Make sure Max still has his halo.  If he doesn’t, go outside to give him some more HOLY  WATER, then return here.  Now talk to Jurgen, using the following dialogue options. 

        -       Let’s rhyme, sucker! 

        -       Baron Bat-Anguish Von Nightmare.

        -       We’ll knock you out deader than Bela Lagosi!

        -       Our world is endless torment and sorrow. 

        -       ‘Cause all creation ends in death and decay. 

The zombies enjoy your poem.  Jurgen decides to drink from Max, but because Max drank some holy water, the holy water is what Jurgen ends up drinking from Max.  The holy water doesn’t agree with Jurgen.  His zombie followers turn on him, and chase him into the fireplace.  Follow Jurgen into the fireplace.  You find yourselves in Jurgen’s lair. 

Watch the cut scene with Jurgen.  You and Max are killed by Jurgen’s hand, and you both turn into zombies! 

You find your zombie-selves in the graveyard outside the castle.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Zombie Abe Lincoln and work through all the dialogue.  When conversation is over, walk left a few steps, talk to Agent Superball, and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to the one-armed zombie and work through all the dialogue.  When you‘re ready, enter the castle again. 


Walk right towards the fireplace.  Try to enter the fireplace - Flint Paper will show up, guns blazing.  Enter the fireplace again, and head up to Jurgen’s lair. 

Watch the cut scene with your souls.  Explore the lair.  Look at Jurgen’s Monster.  Look at the gauges on the machine next to Jurgen’s Monster, and pull the power switch below the gauges.  Jurgen’s Monster comes alive.  Talk to him and work through all the dialogue.  He doesn’t want to leave the castle until he’s ‘complete’.  Look at monster diagrams.  Look at alchemy machine, and look at power socket and batteries in the alchemy machine.  Pick up BOLT CUTTERS from the floor next to the alchemy machine.  Look at soul sucker machine.  Look at the trophy case of wooden stakes, and take a WOODEN STAKE from the trophy case.  Look at the ‘Literate Jurgen’ portrait above the trophy case, and notice the words shown next to Jurgen. 

The poor monster is incredibly lonely.  When conversation is over, walk left a few steps, and take the lift back down to the disco dance floor. 


Talk to Flint Paper and work through all the dialogue.  Flint tries to shoot you, thinking that you’d rather be dead, than walk around town as a zombie.  Look at the bookcase behind Flint, to realise that you just can’t get close to him. 

Walk left to the DJ Booth, and use the DJ Booth.  Remember those words you saw in the ‘Literate Jurgen’ portrait upstairs?  They must be important, if Jurgen wanted them in his portrait.  So press the following buttons.  Again, the words move around with each play through. 

Another bookcase opens (this won‘t work unless you looked at the Literate Jurgen portrait upstairs).  Enter the bookcase near the castle entrance - you exit a bookcase behind Flint Paper, taking him by surprise.  Zombie Max kills Flint.  You pick up ZOMBIE LINCOLN‘S BRAIN that Flint dropped.  When you’re ready, leave the castle. 

Walk left to your Desoto car.  Use BOLT CUTTER on the antenna attached to your car, and take the SUPER ANTENNA.  Now use your car to return home. 

Watch the cut scene with Jesse James’s hand.  Walk right, and enter Stinky‘s Diner. 

Jesse James’s hand is holding Stinky at gunpoint.  You have to rescue her!  Look at sticky goo on the counter.  Now walk to the left of Jesse James’s hand, click on it, and it will shoot at you.  But notice how it jumps one step right, every time it fires.  Keep clicking on the hand (from the left), and when it can’t move any more, talk to Stinky.  The hand, now focused on Stinky, jumps right again.  Keep repeating this process, until Jesse James’s hand gets stuck in the sticky goo on the counter.  Now take JESSE JAMES’S HAND from the sticky goo.  When you’re ready, leave the Diner. 

Walk left to your Desoto car, and use the car to drive to Stuttgart Castle. 


Walk right to the fireplace.  Enter the fireplace, and take the lift up to Jurgen’s lair. 

Walk right to the alchemy machine.  Place SUPER ANTENNA into the power socket of the alchemy machine, then flip the power switch next to Jurgen’s Monster, to recharge the batteries.  Give JESSE JAMES’S HAND to Jurgen’s Monster.  Give ZOMBIE LINCOLN’S BRAIN to Jurgen’s Monster.  Give JESSE JAMES’S HAND to Jurgen’s Monster.  To make him ‘complete’, give him the ARTICHOKE HEART from the table of monster parts.  Now talk to him, using the following dialogue options. 

        -       Let’s go and meet Sybil. 

You, Max, and Jurgen’s Monster automatically travel to Sybil’s shop.  Sybil now has 3 contestants lined up to be her potential boyfriend - Jurgen‘s Monster, Mr Featherly, and Harry Moleman. 

Talk to Sybil, who can’t decide which questions to ask.  Look at the Question Cards on her desk.  Select Question Card #1 - she asks each contestant if they have a heart of gold.  Look at the Question Cards on her desk again.  Select Question Card #2 - she asks Jurgen‘s Monster if he is good with his hands, and she is so impressed with his answer, she doesn‘t ask the question to the other contestants.  Now for the 3rd time, look at Question Cards on her desk.  Select Question Card #3 - she asks each contestant if they are good with words.  While Harry is thinking of a good answer, try to take the CHOCOLATE HEART from the table next to him.  Harry stops you, and loses his temper, so Sybil asks him to leave.  Poor Harry.  Agent Superball takes his place.  Take the CHOCOLATE HEART from the table next to Agent Superball. 

Click on Jurgen’s Monster, and work through all the dialogue.  Make sure you take him back to the dungeon. 

You, Max, and Jurgen’s Monster automatically return to Jurgen’s lair.  Walk right to the alchemy machine, and use CHOCOLATE HEART in the machine to turn it into a HEART OF GOLD.  Give HEART OF GOLD to Jurgen’s Monster.  Now talk to Jurgen’s Monster, and go back to Sybil’s Shop. 

Look at the Question Cards on Sybil’s desk again.  Select Question Card #1 - Do you have a heart of gold.  Again, Sybil is very impressed with Jurgen’s Monster’s answer for this question.  Look at the Question Cards on Sybil’s desk, and select Question Card #3 - Do you have a way with words?  Jurgen’s Monster gives the perfect answer again. 

Sybil has made her decision.  The lucky contestant to be her new boyfriend is… Jurgen’s Monster!  But at the last moment, she realises that she still loves Abe Lincoln, and rushes out the shop to ask Abe for a reconciliation.  Poor Jurgen’s Monster!  After Sybil has left, take the SOUL MATER from her desk.  Now leave the shop. 

Click on your Desoto car, and drive to Stuttgart Castle. 


Walk right to the fireplace.  Enter the fireplace, and take the lift up to Jurgen’s lair. 

Watch the cut scene, as yours & Max’s souls are returned to your bodies.  Except Max soul goes into your body, and your soul goes into Max’s body.  Jurgen leaves his coffin, ready for a final showdown with you.  Walk right a few steps, to Jurgen’s Monster.  Give SOUL MATER to Jurgen’s Monster.  Now walk left to the Soul Sucker machine (the big skull machine), pull the Soul Sucker switch to activate it, then quickly jump into the Soul Sucker machine.  Your soul transfers itself into Jurgen’s Monster. 

As the Monster, walk left to the Trophy Case, and take a WOODEN STAKE from the Trophy Case.  Use WOODEN STAKE to fight Jurgen himself. 

Now sit back, and watch the final cut scene.  Jurgen’s Monster dies   *sniff*   but you and Max are restored to normal. 

You, Max, and Flint Paper have broken into Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop, in search of Bosco.  He’s been missing for a while now, and you’re worried about him. 

Talk to Flint Paper and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Climb over Bosco’s counter. 

From behind the counter, look at the pile of Bosco’s Stuff, and look at the keypad on the wall.  You need to find the code for this keypad.  Take TOY MOAI HEAD from the floor on the left.  Climb back over the counter again. 

Explore the shop.  Use TOY MOAI HEAD with the X-Ray machine to get an XRAY, then use XRAY with X-Ray Viewer above the counter to see what’s inside the Moai Head.  You see a code - 5318008.  Climb over the counter again. 

Behind the counter, use the keypad on the wall to automatically enter the code.  The lasers blocking the bathroom are turned off.  Climb back over the counter again. 

Enter through the bathroom door. 

In the bathroom, talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Explore the bathroom.  Look at the Bulletin Board to learn that Bosco’s been ordering a lot of baking soda and papier mache.  Open the stall door and look at the wine rack.  Take WINE BOTTLE from the wine rack.  Someone left the cork out of the wine, so it’s turned to VINEGAR.  Look at both messages scrawled on the wall.  Hmm, I wonder if that could be a clue.  Take some BAKING SODA from the yellow barrel.  Look at the model volcano in the sink.  If you read the scrawled messages on the wall, you should have some idea what to do here.  Use BAKING SODA with the model volcano, and use VINEGAR with the model volcano.  The model volcano erupts, but it’s not a very big explosion.  You were wanting something bigger!  Take some more BAKING SODA from the yellow barrel.  Use your BIG GUN to shoot a hole in the yellow Industrial-Sized Baking Soda barrel, then pour some VINEGAR into the Industrial-Sized Baking Soda barrel.  Now THAT’S an explosion!  In fact, it blew a hole in the roof!  An alien spaceship flies overhead, and locks you and Max in it’s beam. 

The alien spaceship beams you and Max aboard, where you finally find the missing Bosco.  Except… Bosco’s not quite himself anymore!  Literally!  He’s half-cow, half-man!  Talk to Bosco and work through all the dialogue.  Explore the room.  Use the Central Device above the Captain’s Chair, and work through all the dialogue.  It’s important to hear everything the Central Device has to say, but make sure you use the following dialogue options. 

The Central Device changes it’s tone, so it’s more abusive towards you.  This is important for later on. 

Look at the Lift on the left, and look at the PORTABLE AI on the Lift.  It’s well and truly stuck on there!  Take BOSCO’S TIME CARD from the Lift slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel back to Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop. 


Well, this is indeed Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop.  But you’ve gone back in time, to when a young Mama Bosco owned the shop.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Mama Bosco and work through all the dialogue.  She tells you all about her baby-making machine!  When conversation is over, explore the shop.  Pick up MODIFIED CARBON DATER from the floor near the counter.  Use MODIFIED CARBON DATER on Mamma Bosco to get OVAL OFFICE TIME CARD.  Use MODIFIED CARBON DATER on Max to get STINKY’S TIME CARD.  Use MODIFIED CARBON DATER on yourself to get INTERGALACTIC FREELANCE POLICE TIME CARD.  Now take CHEMICAL SAMPLER from the baby-making machine on the left.  Enter bathroom on the left. 

Explore the bathroom.  Look at Bulletin Board on the wall.  Look at wine bottle in the bathroom stall.  You automatically remove the CORK, and you keep the CORK - so it was you who turned the wine into vinegar, in the present day!  When you’re ready, leave the bathroom. 

Use OVAL OFFICE TIME CARD with the Lift on the right.  Use STINKY’S TIME CARD with the Lift on the right.  Use INTERGALACTIC FREELANCE POLICE TIME CARD with the Lift on the right.  Now use the Lift to return to the Alien Spaceship. 

Wow, Bosco is fading in and out of reality.  It seems that the conversation you had with Mama Bosco caused a temporal paradox, meaning that Bosco was never born!  Oops!  Talk to Bosco and work through all the dialogue.  When conversation is over, look at the Lift on the left again.  Take OVAL OFFICE 1963 TIME CARD from the slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel to the White House. 


You’re in the White House!  But it’s a time before Max became President.  It’s also the place where Mama Bosco met Bosco’s father.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Now explore the office.  Talk to Agent Superball and work through all the dialogue.  When conversation is over, use MODIFIED CARBON DATE on Agent Superball to get OFFICE TIME CARD.  Use OFFICE TIME CARD with the Lift on the left. 

Use Lift on the left again.  Take STINKY’S 1980 TIME CARD from the slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel back to Stinky‘s Diner. 


It’s good to see Grandpa Stinky here.  Little Sam and Little Max are also here, playing on the arcade machine, but you are just kids in 1980.  Talk to Grandpa Stinky and work through all the dialogue.  He tells you about his special Tar Cake, complete with secret ingredient.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue. 

When conversation is over, look at the Tar Cake on the counter.  Use CHEMICAL SAMPLER with the Tar Cake to get TAR CAKE SAMPLE.  Explore the Diner.  Look at the Letter Display on the back wall to see that it’s a letter from the President in 1963.  You also learn that the case has a screw lose.  Look at the jukebox.  Pick up SCREWDRIVER from the floor next to the jukebox.  Now use SCREWDRIVER with the Letter Display on the back wall to unscrew it.  You automatically take the PRESIDENT’S LETTER. 

Talk to Little Sam and work through all the dialogue - he wants a new Artificial Intelligence for his Bluster Blaster arcade game.  Talk to Little Max and work through all the dialogue.  When conversation is over, look at the Memorable Toast Display Case on the wall next to Bluster Blaster.  Also look at the Ship’s Wheel on the wall. 

When you’re ready, look at the Lift on the left.  Take INTERGALACTIC FREELANCE POLICE 8108 TIME CARD from the slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel to your Intergalactic Office. 


You’re in your office… but it’s in the future!  Talk to Future Sam if you like, but he doesn’t have much to say.  Talk to Future Max and work through all the dialogue - he tells you about Stinky‘s Super Adhesive.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Explore the office.  Look out the open window to see spaceships flying past.  Look at the Bulletin Board.  Look at the poster on the Bulletin Board, and look at obituary on the Bulletin Board.  The poster tells you about  Stinky’s Stick-Tite Adhesive, and reveals that the secret ingredient is Bitumen 13.  The obituary tells you about a Mariachi dancer, but you can’t ready all of it. 

You can’t do anything else here are the moment, so use the Lift on the left.  Take OFFICE 2008 TIME CARD from the slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel to your Office. 


You’re back in your office, in the present day.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Explore the office.  Look at Max’s desk, and take BOXING BETTY REMOTE from the desk.  You hear someone outside asking you to throw them the remote - you do so.  In return, someone throws an EGG to you.  Talk to Agent Superball and work through all the dialogue.  Every time you try to tell him about your time-travelling case, he hypnotises you to forget.  Insert CORK into the model volcano next to Agent Superball. 

Use the Lift on the left.  Take OVAL OFFICE 1963 TIME CARD from the slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel to the White House again. 


You’re back in the White House.  Show PRESIDENT’S LETTER to Agent Superball.  Despite his stoic attitude that you see most of the time, he’s extremely shocked to learn that the President will be meeting his mistress at Stinky’s Diner.  In fact, he’s so shocked, he spits his drink over one of the star cushions.  Use your CHEMICAL SAMPLER with the star cushion on the settee to get SUPERBALL‘S SAMPLE.  Give TAR CAKE SAMPLE to Agent Superball and tell him you want to patent the recipe.  When he asks you what ingredient makes it unique, tell him the following. 

Agent Superball agrees to patent the tar cake, and gives you a PATENT FORM.  The secret recipe now belongs to you, and no-one else can use it.  Look at the envelope that’s now appeared on the President’s desk, and use CHEMICAL SAMPLER with the envelope to get PRESIDENT’S SAMPLE.  There’s nothing else you can do here, so use the Lift on the left.  Take STINKY’S 1980 TIME CARD from the slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel back to Stinky‘s Diner. 


Show PATENT FORM to Grandpa Stinky.  He’s not very happy about you stealing his ancient secret family recipe.  He even takes the tar cake from his counter and smashes it on the floor, thus altering the future.  Notice how the PORTABLE AI fell from the Lift, because Grandpa Stinky wasn’t able to use his tar cake recipe to create Stinky‘s Super Adhesive.  Poor Grandpa Stinky.  You automatically pick up the PORTABLE AI. 

Use the PORTABLE AI with the Bluster Blaster arcade game.  Watch the cut scene, as the Bluster Blaster arcade game suddenly becomes the rude, arrogant arcade game of the present.  Little Max doesn’t like the sudden outburst of insults coming from the arcade game, so he leaves the Diner to go and meet some girls at the local dance.  This won’t work, unless you changed the Central Device aboard the alien spaceship to ‘Abusive’. 

Time to go and see Mama Bosco again.  Use the Lift on the left.  Take BOSCO 1963 TIME CARD from the slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel back to Bosco‘s Inconvenience Shop. 


Walk left to the Baby-Making Machine.  Mama Bosco’s sample is already in there, so add PRESIDENT’S SAMPLE into the Open Sample slot.  Now use the Lift on the right.  Press the red ‘Home’ button to return to the alien spaceship. 

Bosco’s back to his normal, paranoid self.  He’s not half-man, half-cow anymore.  Phew!  Watch the cut scene with the 3 Mariachi dancers. 

You, Max, Bosco, and the 3 Mariachi dancers find yourself in the Soul-Crushing Room.  Unfortunately, Bosco has a heart attack during all the chaos, and the Mariachi dancers steal his soul - you have to get it back!  Look at Bosco’s Corpse, and look at Bosco’s Soul in the middle of the room.  Look at the 3 Moai Heads that surround Bosco.  Now let’s explore the room.  Talk to Old Mariachi on the left, and work through all the dialogue.  He’s not very happy in this job, but he won’t leave until he finds an answer to the age old question - Which came first, the chicken or the egg?  When you’re ready, leave the Soul-Crushing room through door on the left. 

You’re back in the Main Room.  Watch the cut scene - the Soda Poppers birthday is approaching, and the Mariachi dancers are not sure how to deal with the situation.  Walk left a few steps, and take EMBARRASSING IDOL TIME CARD from the slot underneath the Central Device.  Talk to Captain Mariachi and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Listening Mariachi and work through all the dialogue.  When you’re ready, use the EMBARRASSING IDOL TIME CARD with the Lift on the left, to insert the Time Card into it’s appropriate slot, along with the other Time Cards. 

Use the Lift on the left.  Take EMBARRASSING IDOL 2008 TIME CARD from the slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel back to the Embarrassing Idol Singing Contest. 


Watch the cut scene as you - Past Sam - compete against the Soda Poppers kid to win the singing contest.  Work through all the dialogue with Past Sam.  Watch the cut scene as Past Sam and Past Max hijacks the Time Machine Lift. 

Eventually, Past Sam and Present Sam end up on the alien spaceship.  Talk to Past Sam and work through all the dialogue.  You can have a lot of fun sending Past You to various places.  Now talk to him again, and use the following dialogue options. 

        -       You need a time travelling phone booth.

        -       Ask Agent Superball in the future. 

Past Sam & Past Max dutifully use the Lift to speak with Agent Superball in the future.  When they return, their memories are slightly messed up, so they don’t remember how they got here.  Talk to Past Sam again, and when he asks you how to get to the moon, use the following dialogue options. 

        -       You need a screwdriver.      

        -       We’ve got one. 

The result is that Past Sam gives you his RECORDING CONTRACT in exchange for your SCREWDRIVER. 

When you’re ready, use the Lift on the left.  Take INTERGALATIC FREELANCE POLICE 2108 TIME CARD from the slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel to your office in the future. 


Look at the Bulletin Board on the right, and take OBITUARY from the board. 

Use the Lift on the left.  Take OVAL OFFICE 1963 TIME CARD from the slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel to the White House. 


Look at the calendar next to the President’s desk.  Take the yellow Sticky Note, and change the Official National Date to 6 September, which is Agent Superball’s birthday.  Now talk to Agent Superball using the following dialogue option. 

        -       Is today your birthday?

Watch the cut scene with the Mariachi singer.  Agent Superball even dances!  While Agent Superball is dancing, QUICKLY run left, and use the Lift, thus trapping the Mariachi dancer in this time-period.  You automatically return to the Alien Spaceship. 

Note that Listening Mariachi isn’t here (he’s trapped in 1963, with Agent Superball, heehee).  Give RECORDING CONTRACT to Captain Mariachi, who’s sitting in the chair.  The Captain is very excited about getting a RECORDING CONTRACT, and immediately leaves to be a Superstar, and sing songs about trains!  After he’s gone, head right, into the Soul-Crushing room. 

Walk right a few steps to Old Mariachi, and give him the OBITUARY.  He’s disappointed to learn about the meaningless way in which he died, and vows to stay away from the printer.  But he still won‘t quit this job, until he has all the answers to his deep and meaningful questions!  Walk left to the printer, and fiddle with it twice - you throw the printer ink into the time vortex.  Return left, to the Main Room. 

Talk to the Central Device, and use the following dialogue option. 

You get a BLANK TIME CARD.  Use BLANK TIME CARD with the Lift on the left, and you insert it into a slot with the other Time Cards. 

Use the Lift on the left again.  Take BLANK TIME CARD from the slot.  You automatically insert the Time Card into the Lift, and use the Lift to travel to The Beginning Of The Universe. 


You’re surprised to see Mr Featherly here.  Haven’t you always wondered which came first - the chicken or the egg?  Talk to Mr Featherly and work through all the dialogue.  It seems that he cannot leave this place, without violating the laws of the universe.  Basically, he’s trapped here, unless you find a way to help him.  Ahhh, but you CAN help him!  Simply use your EGG with Mr Featherly, and the EGG will act as a replacement. 

Look at the red Singularity, which is floating in space. 

There’s nothing more you can do here, so use the Lift on the left.  Press the red ‘Home‘ button to return to the Alien Spaceship. 

Walk right into the Soul-Crushing room. 

Show Mr Featherly to Old Mariachi - he’s very happy to know that the chicken came before the egg, so he finally leaves his post. 

All 3 Mariachi dancers have left the Spaceship, so there’s no-one to stop you from saving Bosco.  Walk right a few steps, and press the red ‘Bridge Button’ on the computer console on the right.  Watch the cut scene, as the self-destruct sequence is activated.  Quickly run left a few steps, to the computer console that Old Mariachi was working at.  Press the red ‘Suck’ button to try and reconnect Bosco’s corpse with his soul.  Unfortunately, Bosco’s corpse only makes it halfway, before getting stuck.  Use TAR CAKE SAMPLE with the Time Controls near the Suck button to stop the Time Gears from turning, then quickly run over to Bosco’s corpse. 

Now sit back and enjoy the final cut scene. 

After escaping from the alien spaceship in the last episode, you, Max, Bosco, and Mr Featherly find yourselves down in the sewers.  Poor Bosco is still without his soul, so you have to find it, and return it to him.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Explore the area.  Walk right a few steps to see Harry Moleman, who’s taken on the role of ‘Death’.  Talk to Harry Moleman and work through all the dialogue.  He won‘t let you on the Soul Train without a token, and you can’t get a token unless you’re dead.  Hmm, this could be tricky!  Climb the ladder on the right, up to the street. 

Talk to Mama Bosco, who is standing outside Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop, and work through all the dialogue.  Mama Bosco is now a ghost, since an explosion of vinegar and baking soda recently killed her (could that have been you, in the last episode???).  She tells you that she has a token for the Soul Train in her apartment… but she can’t get up to her apartment because the stairs have been blown up. 

Try to enter Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop, but Flint Paper won’t let you in.  Apparently he’s busy, trying to find Bosco, and doesn’t believe that you’ve already found him. 

Walk left a few steps, and try to enter your office.  Unfortunately, you can’t get inside your office, since a time-travelling Lift is blocking the door.  Talk to the open office window on the 1st Floor.  Now check your Inventory, and throw the EGG up to the window.  Sam, from the office, throws a BOXING BETTY REMOTE down to you.  You saw this interaction in the last episode, when you were in the office - now you’re seeing the other side of it. 

Look at the Maimtron 9000 robot on the left, and look at Jimmy Two-Teeth, who is guarding the ‘entrance’ to the robot.  Jimmy is converting his old casino into a family-friendly casino, complete with laser light show.  Give PORTABLE AI to Jimmy.  You tell Jimmy that the PORTABLE AI will help with his laser light show, but really, it brings the robot back to life, causing Jimmy and his friends to evacuate.  Jimmy’s son proves to be a casualty of the robot, and Jimmy is desperate to get help for his son.  Talk to the Maimtron 9000 robot and work through all the dialogue.  Now use the BOXING BETTY REMOTE with Maimtron 9000 to control it. 

As Maimtron 9000, walk right a few steps to Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop.  Reach in through Bosco’s window on the 1st Floor, and get Mama Bosco’s SOUL TRAIN TOKEN.  Maimtron 9000 automatically gives it to Sam, then goes back to his usual spot next to your office. 

As Sam, you’re in control again.  Walk right a few steps, and enter Sybil’s Shop. 

Sybil is excited because Abe Lincoln proposed to her last night.  Talk to her and work through all the dialogue.  A love-struck Jurgen’s Monster is also here.  Talk to him to realise how depressed he is about hearing all the details of Sybil & Abe’s romance.  Explore the shop, and when you’re ready, leave the shop. 

Walk right a few steps, and enter the C.O.P.S. Garage. 


Talk to the C.O.P.S. computers and work through all the dialogue.  They’re too busy tending to Jimmy the rat, to be concerned about anything else.  Walk left a few steps, so you can see your car. 

Jump down the manhole next to your car, so you’re down in the sewers again. 

Talk to Harry Moleman, using the following dialogue option. 

        -       We’ve got a token. 

Watch the cut scene as you finally board the Soul Train.  Watch the opening credits. 

You arrive in the Reception Area of Hell, so you can look for Bosco‘s soul.  Jurgen is the receptionist.  Talk to Max and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Jurgen and work through all the dialogue.  Explore the area.  When you’re ready, head through the Main Office Door on the right. 

Explore the office.  Talk to Hugh Bliss and work through all the dialogue.  Look at the Swear List in Hugh’s cubicle.  Look at the poetry magnets board next to Hugh.  Talk to Brady Culture and work through all the dialogue.  Take the KEY CARD form Brady’s cubicle.  Talk to Shambling Corporate Presence on the left, and take his COFFEE CUP FROM HELL.  Read Bulletin Board in the kitchen area on the right.  When you’re ready, head through the Back Room Door on the right (notice that you and Max are so famous down here, you’re even shown above the door). 

You find yourself in the Filing Room, where they store the souls of everyone involved in your cases.  Look at the bookcase with various dioramas in front of you.  Look at the giant Sam statue and the giant Max statue.  Look at the card reader. 

Use KEY CARD in the card reader to access all the dioramas.  Click on Bosco’s Theatre Diorama at the top left.  Poor Bosco is trapped in his own personal hell - being naked, with everyone watching him.  Talk to Bosco and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Demon Mariachi, Demon Sybil, and Demon Mama Bosco.  Take the NITROUS OXIDE from the edge of the stage.  You can’t help Bosco yet, so exit the diorama. 

Use KEY CARD in the card reader to access all the dioramas.  Click on Santa’s Workshop Diorama at the top right.  Explore the Workshop.  Talk to the Demon Babies a few times.  Talk to Santa and work through all the dialogue.  Santa’s having a hard time concentrating on his work (recalling toys!), with the Demon Babies around.  You can’t help Santa yet, so exit the diorama. 

Throw the NITROUS OXIDE into the Street Diorama in the middle row, on the left.  Use KEY CARD in the card reader to access all the dioramas.  Click on the Street Diorama to enter it.  You’re in your Desoto car, but it’s moving painfully slow!  Move left, to the side of the road, and drive up over a yellow ramp.  While you are on the ramp, click on the NITROUS OXIDE icon to speed up your Desoto car.  Thanks to the extra speed, your car is able to break out of it’s hellish diorama… and crash into Bosco’s diorama.  Demon Mariachi, Demon Sybil, and Demon Mama Bosco, all turn to look at you, taking their attention away from Bosco.  That’s just what he wanted!  He’s free!  You automatically leave the diorama. 

Use KEY CARD in the card reader to access all the dioramas.  Click on the Toy Factory Diorama in the middle row, on the right.  Explore the Toy Factory.  Talk to the elf and work through all the dialogue.  The elf is working on the Rex Skirmish action figure - the same toy that Santa is trying to recall.  Offer to help him in improving the Rex Skirmish action figure, using the following dialogue options. 

        -       What kind of outfit should he have?  Commando style.

        -       What attachment should he have?  A chainsaw.

        -       What is his flaw?  Acid for blood. 

The elf begins working on a prototype, complete with your suggestions.  That’s all you can do here for now, so leave the diorama. 

Use KEY CARD in the card reader to access all the dioramas.  Click on Cooking Show Diorama at the bottom left.  You see Demon Stinky giving cooking lessons to a bunch of rats.  Talk to Demon Stinky.  Talk to Grandpa Stinky and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to the rat guests standing next to the microphone.  If there’s any swearing from the rat guests, then the show will be cancelled.  Explore the room.  Look at book display on the left, and take STINKY’S BABY BOOK.  You can’t do anything else here at the moment, so leave the diorama. 

Harry’s been doing some filing, and he accidentally left Jimmy Two-Teeth’s drawer open.  Search the open drawer to find JIMMY’S FILE. 

Use KEY CARD in the card reader to access all the dioramas.  Click on Santa’s Workshop Diorama at the top right.  Look at the red computer next to Santa to see that the suggestions you gave to the elf in the toy factory have taken effect.  Use your BIG GUN to shoot the present that the green bug gift dispenser spits out.  The acid blood in the Rex Skirmish action figure will eat right through the gift dispenser.  The Demon Babies will climb into the gift dispenser, and end up in the Toy Factory, leaving Santa in peace!  At last!  You automatically leave the diorama. 

You can’t do anything else here at the moment, so leave this Back Room, and return to the Main Office through door on the left. 

Watch the cut scene with Satan and Hugh Bliss.  Go to the Reception Area through door on the left. 

Click on the revolving Exit Door to leave Hell. 

Climb the ladder on the right, up to the street. 

Enter Sybil’s Shop again. 

Jurgen’s Monster is still here, and he‘s still just as depressed.  Put him out of his misery, and use your BIG GUN to shoot him.  Harry will appear, to claim the Monster’s soul.  But he’s never dealt with a monster before, and he’s unsure how to proceed.  He pauses, to work out what to do next.  Use this chance, and act quickly - if you dawdle here for too long, Sybil will shock the poor Monster back to life, and Harry will leave.  Make sure the Monster is dead (if necessary, shoot him again), and Harry is here, then leave the shop. 

Walk right a few steps, and enter the C.O.P.S. garage. 


Look at Timmy Two-Teeth’s file on the ground - he’s led a pretty sin-free life.  Swap JIMMY’S FILE in your Inventory for Timmy’s file on the ground.  Watch the cut scene as Timmy Two-Teeth dies, and Harry returns to take Timmy’s soul down to hell.  Leave the garage. 

Walk left a few steps, so you can see your Desoto car.  Climb down the manhole, into the sewers. 

Enter the Soul Train to return to Hell. 

Head through the door on the right, into the Main Office. 

Go through the Back Room door on the right, into the Filing Room. 

Use KEY CARD in the card reader to access all the dioramas.  Click on Cooking Show Diorama at the bottom left. 

Look at the Rat Guests next to the microphone watching the cooking show, and talk to Timmy Two-Teeth.  Timmy can’t control himself, and starts swearing excessively.  Hugh Bliss appears, and cancels the cooking show.  Stinky and the Rat Guests all disappear, and Grandpa Stinky is ecstatic that Stinky is finally out of the picture. 

All the souls have been freed from the dioramas, but they still belong to Satan, so they can’t leave the building.  It’s up to you to release them from Hell, once and for all.  Go through door on the left, back to the Main Office. 

Watch the cut scene with Satan.  He agrees to release everyone’s soul, if you sign his contract.  You do so without reading it, and end up in your own personal hell with the Soda Poppers. 


Peepers has replaced Max as your best friend and partner.  You have to escape from this hell!  Talk to Peepers and work through all the dialogue.  When conversation is over, explore the office.  Take BONE SAW from Max’s desk.  Open cupboard on the right to see mementos of your previous cases.  Look at hole in the wall on the left to talk to Max - work through all the dialogue with Max.  Give KEY CARD to Max, and Max is able to teleport into the office with you.  Watch the cut scene, as Max ‘disposes’ of Peepers.  You and Max automatically return to Hell. 

Watch the cut scene with Satan.  He’s shocked that you managed to escape from your own private hell.  Satan also reveals that he works for… the Soda Poppers!  They are the true bosses of Hell!  Work through all the dialogue with them.  When conversation is over, head through door on the left, into the Reception Area. 

Go through the revolving Exit Door to return to the Sewers. 

You need to stop the Soda Poppers evil plans, and get Satan re-instated.  Climb ladder on the right, up to the Street. 

Watch the cut scene with Flint Paper, Mama Bosco, and Bosco.  Now, notice that Satan is standing outside Stinky’s Diner.  Talk to Satan and work through all the dialogue.  When conversation is over, search through the box of Satan’s Stuff on the ground next to him, to find PAPER CLIP CHAIN, SATAN’S GROCERY LIST, and some PORK RINDS.  When you’re ready, enter Sybil’s Shop. 

Peepers is here, sweet-talking Sybil.  And she’s falling for it!  But what about Abe Lincoln?  Talk to Sybil and work through all the dialogue.  Talk to Peepers.  You can’t do anything here at the moment, so just leave the shop. 

Watch the cut scene as Whizzer tries to tempt Stinky with an apple.  Take a bottle of FRUIT CIDER from the counter.  Talk to Whizzer.  Talk to Stinky.  Talk to Grandpa Stinky and work through all the dialogue.  Grandpa Stinky mentions that if he had Stinky’s Baby Book, he could bring her down a peg or two.  Show STINKY’S BABY BOOK to Grandpa Stinky.  Watch the cut scene, as you read from the Baby Book… and Stinky transforms into a cake!  Talk to Grandpa Stinky again and work through all the dialogue.  Grandpa Stinky reveals that Stinky is really… The Cake Of The Damned!  He regrets what he’s done, and wants to change Cake Stinky back into Human Stinky.  When you’re ready, leave the Diner. 

Walk right, and enter the C.O.P.S. Garage. 


Talk to the C.O.P.S. computers and work through all the dialogue.  You can play their latest Augmented Driving Game if you like, but all you win is some paint details for your Desoto car, so it’s not really worth it.  If you choose to play the driving game, click on the Nitrous Oxide icon to make things a bit easier.  Now talk to Specs - he wants to win the soul of a computer, and has challenged Chippy Computer to a violin-playing contest.  Naturally, Specs is the better player.  Thankfully, 8-bit computers like Chippy get infinite attempts.  Maybe you could find something to help Chippy beat Specs.  When you’re ready, leave the garage. 

Climb down the manhole next to your car, so you’re down in the Sewers. 

Enter the Soul Train, and return to Hell. 

In the Reception Area, talk to Jurgen, and work through the dialogue.  Head through door on the right, into the Main Office. 

Talk to Hugh Bliss in the Main Office, and work through the dialogue.  Look at the list of swear words in Hugh’s cubicle.  Stick SATAN’S GROCERY LIST over the current swear list, so that Hugh has a new list of swear words he must bleep over.  Leave the Main Office through door on the left. 

Click on the revolving Exit Door to leave Hell. 

Climb ladder on the right, and return to the street. 

Walk left a few steps, and enter Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop. 

Watch the cut scene.  Wow, I never expected THAT!  A bachelor party for Abe Lincoln!  Talk to Bosco, Jimmy Two-Teeth, Mr Featherly, Abe Lincoln, Jurgen’s Monster, and Flint Paper.  Look at the cooler next to Jurgen’s Monster, and pour some FRUIT CIDER into the cooler.  Watch the cut scene, as the bachelor party comes to a grinding halt.  Now that everyone is sober again, use the BONE SAW on Jurgen’s Monster to take MONSTER’S RIB from his chest.  Poor Jurgen’s Monster!  Talk to everyone again, and when you’re ready, leave the shop. 

Look at the crack in the pavement between Bosco’s Inconvenience Shop and your office.  Use PAPER CLIP CHAIN with the crack to get the MIMESWEEPER CARTRIDGE. 

Walk left a few steps, to where Maimtron 9000 and Timmy Two-Teeth are standing.  Talk to Timmy and work through all the dialogue - notice that Timmy‘s swearing is no longer being bleeped out.  Now talk to Timmy again, and challenge him to a Soda Poppers Trivia Quiz, using the following dialogue options. 

        -       Max knows more about the Poppers. 

        -       How old is Specs

        -       Max knows more about the Poppers. 

        -       What’s the name of Whizzer’s doctor?

        -       Max knows more about the Poppers. 

        -       What is Peepers real name?

        -       Max knows more about the Poppers. 

        -       How many times has Whizzer been married? 

Timmy answers every question correctly.  And provided you’ve already switched Hugh Bliss’s Swear List down in Hell, you’ll get to hear Peepers real name - Dick Peacock - without it being bleeped out. 

After you’ve finished talking to Timmy, head right, and continue right, until you reach the C.O.P.S. Garage. 


Enter the C.O.P.S. Garage.  Insert the MIMESWEEPER CARTRIDGE into Chippy, the computer next to Specs.  Chippy and Specs compete with each other again in the violin-playing contest.  Chippy plays the theme song from Mimesweeper, and thus wins the violin-playing contest.  Specs storms off in a huff!  That’s the 1st Soda Popper beaten!  When you’re ready, leave the garage. 

Go left to Stinky’s Diner, and enter the Diner. 

Use MONSTER’S RIB with the cake on the counter, and the cake will turn back into Stinky.  Stinky & Grandpa Stinky, together, tell Whizzer that they’re not interested in his offer.  He leaves the Diner, downbeat and defeated.  That’s 2 Soda Poppers beaten!  Talk to Stinky a few times.  Now talk to Grandpa Stinky and work through all the dialogue.  When you’re ready, leave the Diner. 

Walk left to Sybil’s Shop, and enter the shop. 

Talk to Peepers, and call him by his real name - Dick Peacock.  This breaks the spell that Peepers has over Sybil, and he runs out the shop in tears.  Talk to Sybil to confirm that her wedding to Abe is back on track.  Now leave her shop. 

Watch the cut scene with Satan, as he is re-instated as Leader Of Hell. 

Watch the cut scene as you are stranded on a small island surrounded by hot lava - a throwback to Episode 1.  You soon escape, and return to Hell. 

Satan is having a final showdown with the Soda Poppers. 

Look at the pink ice cream truck, and look at the ice cream bell on the ice cream truck.  Use your BIG GUN to shoot the ice cream bell.  Shambling Corporate Presence is excited by the ice cream truck, and opens the door to the back of the truck.  Click on the ice cream truck again to get some ICE CREAM.  Walk right a few steps, and find your way over to the Soda Poppers.  Take CANDLE from the ground, to the left of the Soda Poppers. 

Enter the kitchen area, in corner of the room.  Use TAR CAKE SAMPLE, COFFEE CUP FROM HELL, and ICE CREAM to create another CAKE OF THE DAMNED.  Place the CANDLE into the cake.  Pick up the CAKE OF THE DAMNED from the water cooler stand, and show it to the Soda Poppers. 

Now sit back, and enjoy the final cut scene. 

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