Lore City Scout earns Eagle with litter education project

2022-08-06 15:23:05 By : Admin

Gauge Watson's, recycling/litter prevention project is the final step on his path to Eagle Scout. 

Gauge, 14, a freshman at Buckeye Trail High School said when it came time to start working towards his Eagle award he wanted to find a project that dealt with recycling and encouraging people to pick up after themselves. 

He also noted that since he lives near the Great Guernsey Trail and spends time there, the trail seemed to be a good location for the project. 

Gauge has worked since the end of March, collecting donations for and assembling four large displays that were placed along the trail by the CDC (Guernsey County Community Development Corp.), which manages and maintains the trail. 

He solicited donations through sponsorships from several businesses and family members to help him obtain the materials for the project, including the plexiglass donated by the glass doctor.

Gauge estimated that without monetary and material donations, the project would have cost him around $800 to complete.

Money received in excess of what the project cost, Gauge plans to apply to the Camper Scholarship Fund to help cover the cost of camp for Scouts. 

"Overall, I am very pleased with this project. This is the fourth Eagle Scout project that we have had completed on or near our trail and this is by far the most informative one," Ron Gombeda, executive director, CDC said. "Before he was all said and done, Gauge built four displays, one at each end of the trail, one at the Deerfield Rd crossing and one at our Coal Ridge Park & Trails.

It took Gauge a week working once had collected all the materials and started work on the displays which show common trash that can be found laying around locations like the trail and how long it takes each item to decompose, to finish all four displays. 

Some of the items included in his displays include: water bottles, candy wrappers, diapers, cardboard, cigarette butts, plastic bags and more.

According to Gauge each display took several hours to assemble. 

In addition to time spent seeking donations and construction the displays Gauge invested a lot of doing research.

Gauge estimates he has about 80 hours invested into the project.

"I did quite a bit of research. You can't just go off one source. You have to go off a couple different ones," Gauge said. "I learned a lot from doing this."

Gauge said, he spends a lot of time picking up trash with his Boy Scout Troop, Troop 520, and what he included in the displays is what they mainly see when picking up trash.

He also said that wanted to let people know if they throw this stuff on the trail, it can sit there for all the time listed in the displays or until someone picks it up.

"I feel kind of accomplished," Gauge said. "I hopes it will make people more mindful to not litter on the trail and make the trail a better place."

"Gauge’s Eagle Scout project benefits the trail and our community by building awareness of the long-term negative side effects of littering," Gombeda said. "Showing how long it takes for certain items to decompose or breakdown, demonstrates why it is necessary to recycle or properly dispose of items."

Gauge is currently waiting to go before the Eagle Board of Review to receive his Eagle Scout Award. 

With work complete for Boy Scouting's highest achievement, Gauge said he is looking at his options for the next four years. 

He plans to enlist in the Army after graduation, but until then he could on to Venture Scouts or stay with his troop. 

Gauge, who is working on further developing his leadership and mentoring skills, said he wants to stay with his troop until he graduates school and mentor other Scouts to help people keep the community clean and encourage them along the path to Eagle Scout. 
