Farmers warned of rise in heating oil and diesel thefts - Farmers Weekly

2022-05-27 21:24:56 By : Admin

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Farmers and rural homeowners are being targeted by oil thieves who are exploiting the surge in energy prices by selling stolen fuel on the black market

With the price of oil continuing to rise, households have been stockpiling in their back-garden tanks. However, criminals are siphoning off fuel to sell themselves.

Police are also warning farms to be on their guard and secure red diesel tanks with lighting, locks and alarms.

See also: Virtual reality to help prevent rural crime in Lancashire

Following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, heating oil prices have climbed from between 60p to 70p per litre in February to around £1.30 this week.

Suffolk Police said £600 worth of heating oil was stolen from a tank outside a doctor’s surgery in Barrow this week. Days earlier, 1,100 litres of heating oil was stolen from outside a house in the village of Snape. 

Police in Aberdeenshire, West Mercia, Derry, Highlands and Islands, Lancashire and Devon and Cornwall have also warned that thousands of pounds worth of oil has been stolen this week alone.

The Countryside Alliance (CA) said fuel thieves traditionally target farms during the longer winter nights under the cover of darkness, which gives them more opportunities to get away unnoticed.

“These criminals often use just a basic tube to siphon away the fuel, but more sophisticated apparatuses – such as pumping systems – have been reported by police,” said a CA spokesman.

NFU Scotland is reminding farmers and crofters to be extra vigilant to protect themselves against fuel theft.

“Fuel tanks should be kept locked when not in use, out of sight, and in well-lit areas,” said NFUS transport advisor Jamie Smart.

“Wherever possible, tractors should not be parked in the field. It is important to keep track of your fuel purchases and usage – dip your tanks daily so that you know if there is an unexplained loss of fuel.”

Rural insurer NFU Mutual said the average cost of a diesel theft claim was £2,120 in 2020.

NFU Mutual says there is a range of ways farmers can help improve the security of their fuel tanks.

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