2022 Primary Q&A: GOP candidates for House District 73

2022-06-10 18:50:13 By : Admin

The Republican primary election for House District 73, formerly district 62, has already had its fair share of drama.

The defacto incumbent, Rep. Travis Seegmiller, has announced his resignation from the Legislature and dropped out of the race but his name will still appear on the ballot alongside the actual candidates, Nina Barnes and Colin Jack, because Seegmiller didn't officially withdraw until after the ballots were already printed.

More: Seegmiller officially drops out of District 73 race ahead of Republican primary election

Complicating matters, Jack has already been picked as Seegmiller's replacement for what remains of the current legislative term, having been picked by local Republican leadership in a special election where Jack ended up being the only candidate because Barnes protested the timing of having a special election right before the primary election.

Now, it will be up to Republican primary voters to decide whether Jack keeps the job going into next year or whether Barnes should replace him.

Both are familiar names in Utah politics. Jack has been a high-ranking member of the Washington County Republican Party for the last several years, most recently serving as the vice-chair of the party before filing for this election.

Barnes spent eight years as a city council member in Cedar City and is the vice-chair of the Utah Board of Higher Education. 

Recently Jack was picked by county Republicans to serve the rest of Seegmiller's term when the incumbent officially resigns his seat on July 1, three days after the June 28 primary. Jack was the only candidate to file to replace Seegmiller and the decision to appoint Jack before the primary wasn't supported by Barnes. 

More: Washington County Republicans fight over Utah House seat left open by lawmaker's resignation 

Outside of politics and government, Jack works as the chief operations officer for Dixie Power and Barnes is a self-employed working in real estate management and development for K&N Investments. 

The Spectrum sent both candidates a questionnaire to gauge their positions on key issues that impact southwest Utah. Here are their responses. 

Water continues to be a scrutinized resource during this ongoing drought. What would you do as an elected official to protect this resource in the future?

Barnes: As a state legislator representing Washington County, I will work to ensure that southern Utah gets its fair share of funding for water infrastructure and for incentivizing water-wise development. We require a delegation that is united in seeking our share of state funding. In Washington County, that funding should be used for additional reservoirs, the infrastructure necessary to reuse our secondary (“brown”) water, and funding for the Lake Powell Pipeline. We should be using and reusing all the water contractually allotted to us rather than sending it down the river.

Jack: Water is critical to our survival and as an elected official I would support long term planning of water and the Lake Powell Pipeline. The water projects currently being implemented, the reuse water projects, reservoirs, and Lake Powell Pipeline, are all important in diversifying our source of water. It’s very important that a population center like Washington County have a diversity in water resources so that we’re not dependent on a single source. I commend the Washington County Water Conservancy District for their planning and project construction. It’s incredible that we’ve been able to support such a large increase in population on the same single Virgin River watershed that our ancestors had when they settled Washington County. But this resource is almost tapped out and it’s critical that we develop the next.

What needs to happen for Washington County if the Lake Powell Pipeline isn’t built?

Barnes: Washington County has seen excellent local leadership in conserving and safeguarding the water we already have, and I will support our local leaders as they accelerate their efforts to do so. Though the Lake Powell Pipeline must remain a future option for water in this region, the current drought situation does not allow the Lake Powell Pipeline to be the only solution in our water planning. When we’re talking about water in a desert, we must look at all viable options. Mayor Randall of St. George City has recently shared that the “Slow the Flow” campaign slowed the city’s use of water by 8% and there is still work to do on this front. Under the leadership of Zach Renstrom, the Washington County Water Conservancy District has developed a plan to protect our access to water in the future, encouraging such strategies as removing large amounts of unnecessary grass from commercial properties, encouraging water-friendly landscaping, water-friendly development incentives, and other strategies.

As a Republican, I believe that the closer a government is to the people, the better able it is to understand the unique needs of local residents. Government “must be restrained from intruding  into the freedoms of its citizens,” as the state party platform states. As a state legislator, I will focus on my role, which is to support local elected officials including mayors, city councils, the county commission, and local experts and professionals as they come up with water solutions, all while fighting to ensure that we have our share of state funding that we need to maintain the excellent quality of life in Washington County.

Jack: If the Lake Powell Pipeline isn’t built, then the next best alternative would have to be developed sooner than necessary, which would prematurely increase prices for water, making it harder for lower and middle-income families to make ends meet. The State of Utah and Washington County should work hard to avoid raising the cost of living for hard working Utahns, especially for essential services like water. Or worse, we could be forced to accept draconian cuts in our water delivery and have to eliminate home-cooling yards, gardens, and green public spaces. By investing in the Lake Powell Pipeline now, we can delay more costly water projects and hopefully avoid water shortages and ensure that all families in Washington County have access to affordable water.

What are the most pressing issues for you for this election?

Barnes: We are at a critical junction. We must focus on the issues that most impact the real, day-to-day lives of southern Utah families and help us to preserve their futures. These issues include education and supporting teachers, out-of-control inflation, water and responsible growth, attainable housing, supporting the first responders and law enforcement who safeguard our community, and ensuring the exceptional quality of life that is the heritage of Washington County, all while exercising the fiscal restraint required to preserve our future.

Jack: As a state legislator, my top priorities would be fiscal responsibility, education, and protecting our constitutionally guaranteed personal freedoms. An equally pressing issue is our families’ energy security, that is being threatened by uninformed and irresponsible legislation. Utah is home to abundant coal, gas, and oil reserves, all of which are necessary for modern life. Federal and State governmental overreach, as well as ESG pressures from monied out of state interests, would see the average Utahan's access to affordable energy diminished. In fact, it has already caused skyrocketing energy prices, which affects everyone's standard of living. This needs to be corrected. As an electrical engineer with 35 years of experience in the energy sector, I have the added perspective of how critical affordable energy is to every aspect of our lives, from industry to transportation to water supply to simply keeping the lights on in our homes and I would carry that fight to the State Capitol. I will fight for policies that keep energy affordable for all Utahns.

How should nature conservation play into the development of southwest Utah?

Barnes: As our Utah Republican Party Platform states, “Our air, water, and land are at the heart of our existence and must be protected through balanced management.” As Washington County continues to serve as the backyard playground for the state and this role is economically critical. One of the things that makes living in and visiting Washington County so attractive and enjoyable is the proximity to nature that every corner of our county enjoys. Sensible nature conservation that continues to provide residents with access to the outdoors is in the best interest of everyone.

Jack: Southwest Utah is home to some of the most stunning and significant places in the country. From the red rock cliffs of Zion National Park to the black cinder covered mesas, this region offers endless opportunities for exploration and recreation. And, as stated in the Republican Party platform, “We seek to preserve the environment while serving the best interests of our Utah citizens.” Much of this land is owned by the federal government and is managed by agencies like the Bureau of Land Management and often we find that they block public lands from public use. So, while I support preserving the most fragile and scenic areas in southwest Utah, there are still many places that should be made available for other important public uses, such as ranching and mineral development. 

Do you support the Northern Corridor being built through the Red Cliffs Conservation Area?

Barnes: I unequivocally support the Northern Corridor being built through the Red Cliffs Conservation Area. In the deal that county officials successfully worked to get passed during the Trump Administration (and an example of why it’s so important to our local community to have a Republican in the White House!), the State was given authorization to build a four-mile road, two miles of which go through the Red Cliffs Conservation. In return, the County added 6,800 more acres to the Red Cliffs Desert Reserve. Not only is this the best way to meet our transportation needs, it also protects many more tortoises than would be protected otherwise! The Northern Corridor is great for residents and visitors to Washington County because it creates a route to bypass downtown St. George as well as protecting land that our community and visitors will benefit from keeping as open space. It is also great for tortoises because the land that the County added to the Reserve appears to have more tortoises living in it per square mile than anywhere in Nevada or California and far more tortoises will be helped than hurt in the deal. The Northern Corridor is a win-win deal for both sides – the type of deal that I will continue to look for and support as a state legislator. 

Jack: The Northern Corridor is critical to handling ever-increasing traffic from the growth in Washington County and to move stop-and-go traffic out of the centers of the cities and move it more efficiently across the county. By handling the traffic more efficiently, we’ll be saving not only time for Washington County residents but also on fuel and reducing accidents. The lost tortoise habitat within the Northern Corridor has already been replaced with even more land that is home to a large native population of tortoises and increases the viability of the species. This is a win-win for everyone involved.

What does ‘smart growth’ look like to you?

Barnes: Smart growth involves planning for the future and ensuring that our growth never outstrips our access to the resources we need in order to maintain our excellent quality of life in Washington County. We must consider access to water, attainable housing, education for our children, the continued safety and well-being of our community, and other factors. More than anything else, our economic future is tied to water. As a state legislator, I will prioritize ensuring that southern Utah’s share of state funding makes it into our hands and I will support other state and local leaders in their efforts to create viable growth plans.

Jack: Smart growth is when critical infrastructure is developed in tandem with community growth. Infrastructure is the backbone of any community. It is the roads, sewers, water and power lines and schools that make a community livable. Without adequate infrastructure, a community cannot function properly. As our population continues to grow, it is essential that we master-plan our infrastructure needs at least 30 years in advance. This will ensure that we have the necessary resources in place to accommodate the growth. Failing to do so will result in a shortage of vital services, which will make it difficult for people to live and work in the community. In addition, accommodating growth also requires planning for the required utilities, schools, churches, and other amenities that make a community livable. By master planning our infrastructure needs, we can ensure that our community remains a great place to live for generations to come.

How would you describe yourself politically?

Barnes: I am a lifelong Republican and I believe that our Utah State Republican Party Platform is a great unifier among conservatives. Our conservative future depends on Republicans unifying behind the party platform. I believe that our rights are God-given, not government given, but that government exists to protect our basic rights and that smaller government is better and that the government closest to the people serves the people the best. I am a fiscal conservative who particularly believes in the importance of family values and the power of free enterprise, private initiative, and volunteerism. I am a proud, team-playing conservative.

Jack: As a constitutionally conservative, free market republican, I believe that the federal government should be limited to the scope laid out in the US Constitution, and that the state government should similarly be limited to the scope laid out in the Utah Constitution. I believe that all governmental decisions should be made based on the Constitution, God’s Law, and the Laws of Nature. Government power should be limited, and individual liberty should be maximized. This is what the Founders intended when they established our system of government, and I believe we should adhere to that inspired vision.

What could Republicans in Utah be doing better?

Barnes: Republicans in Utah need to recognize the power that comes from everyday citizens becoming engaged, using their voices, and expecting civility of their leaders. Although they may be feeling burned out over the state of politics in our country, they must realize that we can only build a better Utah if each of their voices are heard. In addition, Republicans in Utah should expect their leaders to uphold the Utah Republican Party Platform, which states that “We demand honesty, integrity, morality, and accountability of our public officials.”

Jack: From its founding in Abraham Lincoln’s day, the Republican party has always been the party of equal opportunity and prosperity. The Republican platform supports family values, private property, self-defense, as well as education, protecting the environment, and legal immigration. The portrayal of the GOP in the liberal media is that it has lost sight of these ideals, which has led some Utahns to disassociate with the Republicans. However, the Republican party is still the party that best represents the ideals of Utah. The party needs to do a better job of reaching out to everyone in the community and communicating the party’s core values and inviting them in. Doing so will help to ensure that Utah remains a strong and prosperous Republican state.

Should the government be doing more to create affordable housing? (Yes or No) What steps would you take around housing affordability if you are elected?

Barnes: The government does have a role to play in creating attainable housing, but it’s a complex issue that will require a combination of solutions and many of those solutions will depend on local governments. The government does not exist to solve our problems but to encourage problem-solving private partnerships. We know that trying to impose artificial rent caps and other liberal solutions do not work, but conservative principles can lead to workable solutions. Thoughtful zoning changes at the municipal level will help make a difference, including allowing more mixed-use zoning and casitas on the property of single-family homes. The cities must be careful about the impact fees they impose and about who ends up paying those fees. The role for the state legislature will be in finding ways to encourage municipalities and counties to take these measures and not to pass on costs through undue regulation of development, but to encourage thoughtful solutions. Everyone – every citizen and every elected official – has a role to play in this and if we want our children to be able to inherit our heritage and live here we must work together.

Jack: Yes; and the government can begin to solve the problem of affordable housing by changing the policies that have helped create the problem. The government's deficit spending has created inflation and driven up prices. Canceling logging contracts on federal lands and mismanaging public forests has contributed to a shortage of lumber and raised the prices of building materials. As a state legislator I would support the federal government in addressing the housing affordability crisis by correcting these two key problematic policies.

Sean Hemmersmeier covers local government, growth and development in Southwestern Utah. Follow on Twitter @seanhemmers34. Our work depends on subscribers so if you want more coverage on these issues you can subscribe here: www.thespectrum.com/subscribe.